Whole view of AinA New Building
Nature Found the answer from ‘Acorn tree’
SeungTae Kim, Chairman of AinA, came to meet an old lady of 70s
who suffered from severe arthritis on her fingers. The old lady
who was diagnosed as complete recovery is impossible by even the
hospital, showed her remarkable recovery condition 1 year later.
He came to have questions for this impossible phenomenon and
finally knew this was from a repeated action tapping acorn trees
here and there with her hands.
After seeing this amazing case, SeungTae Kim of Chairman who had
usually studied the alternative medicine and folk remedy instructed
our research team on how to transfer the natural energy through
the path of human body’s energy and started to define
the natural energy as knowledge.

First Set the concept of 'Pulse-wave'
We have studied continually on the influence of natural rhythm to
human body, and finally categorized and organized the frequency
based on low frequency then applied on Foot Reflex Zone. That's why
‘Pulsetron’ of the first pulse wave medical equipment was born.
This was posted as the thesis of ‘The Clinical Study of Foot Reflex
Area Stimulation using Low Frequency Stimulator(Pulsetron SS-2000)
to Diabetic Patients’ on the Journal of Korean medicine information
(Issue of Dec., 2004) so became big news.
In this paper, the term of ‘Pulse wave’ was defined for the first time,
and then the pulse wave came to be a representative general noun
to explain the theory of low frequency medical equipments.

Told the importance of disease prevention
for '100-year-old generation'
SeungTae Kim of Chairman who participated in the 57th Presidential
advisory meeting(the meeting of ministers and vice-ministers held by
President Roh Moo-hyun) as a representative of private companies,
emphasized the importance of disease prevention for '100-year- old
generation', proposed the study and development to do daily life- friendly
health care and suggested how to support the related industries and
build up the future strategy for '100-year-old generation'. The State Affairs
challenge meeting of the day became a start of establishing AinA.

Jump Moved our head office to ‘Medi-city Daegu’
Medi-city Daegu is the best medical city of Korea having a medical
related infra through raising and growing the health care industry
as their growth motivation.
Our company decided to move our head office to Daegu and performed
the move from Seoul to Daegu in 2010.
Through the move of our head office, we had the opportunity to
jump one more level as a health care specialty company and selected
by Star enterprise of Daegu so maximizing the synergy of research by
cooperative R&D with many governmental research institutes.

Developed ‘Smartron’ of new concept of
health care medical equipments
Through the R&D project of government, we developed ‘Smartron’ of
personal total health care system that IT technics and LED LIGHT SYSTEM
is attached to alternative medicine so made the medical equipment used
by medical treatment to be available in general houses too.

Awarded by the ‘3 million dollars export tower’
with pulse medical equipment for the first time
Awarded by the ‘3 million dollars export tower’ with pulse
medical equipment for the first time, We wined the award of the
‘3 million dollars export tower’ in pulse industry for the first time
at the 51st Trade Day in 2014.

Entered to Medivally of new center for
Korean medical business
In DaeguGyeongbuk Medical Cluster, the project cost of total about 4000
billion dollars was invested and built up the Core research centers of
governmental one(New drug development center, Medical device
development center, Clinical drug manufacturing center), and attracting
some government-contributed research institutes and laboratories of
medical companies.
AinA is going to move into there in 2016, finished purchasing the site and
architect design, will be provided research support needed to develop
advanced products and whole research places of global level after move in.