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> Products > Etc > Deep Bright Gel

Deep Bright Gel

The technology of AinA is making a healthy and beautiful life.

Dual-functional cosmetics
to increase the rate of light

Deep bright gel is a dual-functional cosmetic
to increase the light absorption rate because of
containing natural chlorophyll and collagen and
help whitening skin and wrinkle improvement.

Features and benefits
  • Increase of light
    absorption rate
    It contains natural chlorophyll
    to help photosynthesis so when
    using LED medical equipments,
    it is helpful to absorb the light
  • Gained the invention patent No. 10-142705
    (Photoreactional composition for
    skin care of excellent increasing
    light absorption effect)
  • Whitening /
    Wrinkle improvement
    Containing ‘Niacinmide’ and
    adenosine of noticed
    ingredients from Korean Food
    and Drugs Administration
  • Cooperative R&D with
    Daegu TP Bio Health
    Convergence Center
    Developed product through
    governmental R&D project
Capacity 200ml, 750ml
How to use Apply appropriate amount on the skin.
Basic Components
  • 200ml
  • 750ml