Company Research Center
You can see the ethical management and company culture of AinA Co., Ltd.

The company research center of AinA Co., Ltd.
has been open in 2010 and developed innovative and creative
medical equipments verifying the theory and experiment
through the task of governmental R&D.
Afterwards, expanded the research area and performing the
study activity making a synergy effect through the network
with the domestic governmental research institutes and
leading universities such as ETRI, Yonsei University, Hanyang
University, Yeongnam University, Kyungpook national
university hospital and etc, and the convergence cooperative
research among multi relationships.
To do this, we are securing the human resources of research
in each part and focusing every strength on development and
research on the health care related independent technology
such as multi wave LED ARRAY technology, research on
created ones by the response for LED light, smart electric
stimulation control system, smart care device technology
using bio sensor, Light care contents and etc.
Business and Academic Cooperation
and Cooperative research
AinA is using the excellent research human resources of universities and governmental institutes
and research conditions, building up the smooth and systematic cooperation system among companies,
academies and institutes such as making a creative intellectual property right, dealing with difficult
technology matter of manufacturing sites of local small businesses, cooperative technology development
for higher value-added creation, manpower training customized by the company and etc, and seeking
the reinforcement of competitiveness of local companies and revitalization of local economy.
Development project of leading industry for wide area economic bloc
Project title Development of light therapy for skin disease used by multi-wavelength LED array Specialized
and company(Incorporated foundation)Institute for Regional Program Evaluation of Daegu
Organizedby :AinA Co., Ltd.
Participation: E Free System Co., Ltd.
Participation: Kyungpook National University HospitalProject period Jun. 1st, 2012 -Apr. 30th, 2015 -Development of LED skin treatment machine for diverse skin diseases and skin improvement
-Design and development of LED light module Array to respond the range of 430nm, 630nm, 830nm for light source wavelength -
Development project of regional specialized industries in 2013
Project title Development of light response functional bio material for self-beauty treatment to improve the LED beauty effect and commercialization Specialized
and company(Incorporated foundation)Institute for Regional Program Evaluation of Daegu
Organizedby :AinA Co., Ltd.
Participation: (Incorporated foundation)Daegu Techno ParkProject period Jun. 1st, 2013 -May. 31st, 2014 Development of the prototype of natural cosmetics for LED(Gel type) to improve the effect of LED beauty treatment machine(skin apparatus and body type treatment) through natural created ones with the function of wrinkle enhancement, lipoclasis, and natural material to increase the absorb rate of light for LED
Training project of company commercializing technology in 2014
Project title Development of the product design of personal LED skin apparatus of stand type Specialized
and companyINNOPOLIS Foundation
Organizedby:AinA Co., Ltd.
Participation: K. P.D Co., Ltd.
Participation: Unit IndustryProject period Aug. 1st, 2014 -Oct. 31st, 2014 Completion to make the prototype of personal LED skin apparatus of stand type
Development project of human care contents in 2014
Project title Development of the Light Care Contents of autonomy intelligence based on multi modal sensitivity recognition to relieve the stress of current people and improve the effectiveness of work-study . Specialized
and companyHuman care technology center
Organized by:Yusis Co., Ltd.
Participation: AinA Co., Ltd.Project period Jul. 1st, 2014 -Mar. 31st, 2016 -Stress sensing to apply Light Care Contents through the measurement of user’s bio-data Exponentiation development
-Implementation of the color algorithm of basic Light Care Contents
-Implementation of test service of Light Care Contents
- Verification of relaxation effect applying Light Care Contents -
Hanyang University
Yeongnam University
Kyemyung University
Korea Nazarene University